
Food for Thought

Ultimately the goal of any livestock farmer is to provide wholesome and quality meat to consumers. Whether it's for home cooks or restaurants, the culmination of dedicated care, sustainable raising practices, and humane slaughter can create a bounty of ways to honor our animals.

Taking Stock in the New Year
January 2023 - Heather Oppor

Ahhh, January. The hustle and bustle of December is over and many of us fall into the quiet chill of winter along with oh so many potential new year’s resolutions; diets, spending, etc.... All of these scream out for simplicity after the excess of the holidays. One of my favorite ways to start the new year is by buying whole, bone-in items (or just straight bones!) and making pots of stock to fill my freezer. There’s nothing better than the warmth and fragrance of a simmering stock pot - dreaming of what it will become in the year ahead.

Read the full recipe HERE

Party Time, Excellent
December 2022 - Heather Oppor

The holidays are coming, and that means friends, frivolity and FEASTS! One of the most decadent things you can prepare for the groaning board is prime rib. While “prime” is technically a designation of meat quality, in the case of this holiday staple it has come to mean a low and slow roasted beef rib roast. One of the best parts about meat is that protein typically has consistent scientific properties that react to time and temperature in a calculated way. So for this recipe math is doing most of the work.

Read the full recipe HERE